Ecstasy Withdrawal: Symptoms, Timeline, & Treatment


ecstasy detox

Jenn is passionate about inner growth and the power of the mind-body connection, and this informs her writing and research on addiction treatment. On Rehabaid, Jenn aims to write accessible, informative content and provide resources that can help people make empowered and informed decisions about their recovery. Paxil is a common anti-depressant that is used to treat anxiety disorders, depression, and PTSD. This drug can be useful during the detox process as many clients can experience depression and increased anxiety when they wean off ecstasy.

Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP)

  1. People who want to quit using MDMA can benefit from inpatient rehab and treatment facilities that monitor and treat all withdrawal symptoms while ensuring their safety.
  2. However, there are a few medications that have proven to be helpful during the rehabilitation process.
  3. The right diet can help repair any damage incurred following sustained drug use and lead to improved immunity, cognitive function, and energy.
  4. Phase three clinical trials are currently taking place, comparing MDMA treatment to current standard-of-care drugs.

These symptoms typically manifest within 24 hours after the last MDMA intake and can persist for several days to a week. However, some individuals may experience prolonged effects such as chronic depression and anxiety. The severity and progression of withdrawal symptoms are influenced by factors such as the average amount or dose, frequency, and duration of ecstasy use. clopidogrel plavix Withdrawal symptoms typically commence within 12 hours after the last MDMA dose and can include anxiety, irritability, loss of appetite, difficulty concentrating, and depression. These symptoms generally peak a few days after cessation and can last about a week. In some cases, psychological symptoms may persist longer, depending on biological and personal factors.

Factors That Can Affect Withdrawal

Participants who continue to abstain receive rewards such as prize draws for money or in-demand objects. The fact that about 40% of those in the trials had tried MDMA before enrolling in the study only fueled speculation about whether the findings could be trusted. The whole idea that therapy sessions were not standardized, which then undermines the findings, is “just false,” he says. For example, the panel fixated on “functional unblinding” — the fact many trial participants could tell whether they had received the study drug instead of a placebo.

Adverse effects

ecstasy detox

Withdrawal from MDMA is sometimes confused with the ‘comedown’ period, which can occur after just a single use and is characterized by symptoms that may last 1-3 days. It’s important to differentiate between the two, as withdrawal implies a dependence that has been developed over time with repeated use. Symptoms during the comedown are similar to those experienced during withdrawal, including anxiety, memory and attention problems, decreased appetite, and reduced interest in sex. While the withdrawal from MDMA may be less intense compared to other substances, such as opioids or methamphetamine, it still poses significant challenges and requires appropriate medical attention and support. Withdrawal from MDMA is unique in that it tends to be primarily psychological, but physical effects can also occur.

Biotechnology and health

Despite the negative showing, it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that the agency still approves the treatment against the recommendation of its advisory committee. More than anything though, he says the troubles at the FDA are an indictment of how this drug maker, Lykos Therapeutics, ran the acute and chronic effects of cocaine on cardiovascular health pmc trials. “There’s a lot of disappointment in the committee, but there’s also a lot of disappointment in [the sponsor] for putting forward such a vulnerable application.» Serotonin is a neurotransmitter—a molecule used by the nervous system to carry messages between brain cells and muscles cells.

“It’s an adult use program that has a therapeutic element,” says Ismail Ali, director of policy and advocacy at the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS). The ICER report also referenced allegations of misconduct and ethical violations. Lykos (formerly the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies Public Benefit Corporation) acknowledges that ethical violations occurred in one particularly high-profile case. “The rest of us are studying molecules that don’t require the same degree of therapy,” says Kabir Nath, CEO of Compass Pathways, a biotech company that’s running phase III clinical trials on psilocybin. Dr. Jerry Rosenbaum rejects this characterization, saying the therapy had «core elements» of a lot of evidence-based treatments. The advisory committee’s rejection of the drug also raised fears about the future of other psychedelics currently being studied for their therapeutic potential, rattling the market and generating a flood of bad press.

Another fact to consider is that ecstasy is often cut with other drugs, such as heroin, ketamine, amphetamines, and other illicit drugs. In many cases, ecstasy is also taken with other drugs, such as marijuana, cocaine, and LSD. Because it’s difficult to know what’s in ecstasy and how long does marijuana stay in your system so many users combine it with other substances, withdrawal symptoms are often different for each person. Therefore, considering the varying nature of these symptoms, it’s safest to seek medically supervised detox at a professional facility like our Legacy Healing Center locations.

In essence, CBT helps clients learn new, drug-free ways to cope with triggers that might encourage them to use ecstasy again. This includes an understanding of how situations, people, or the environment can trigger an addictive desire to take ecstasy, or how to introduce healthy behaviors that can steer them away from using. CBT is known to be effective and long-lasting as clients can continue utilizing these strategies once their therapy sessions have ended.

In nearly 25% of the samples, the researchers were unable to identify what was actually in the tablets. People overcoming MDMA addiction may benefit from entering a rehab program where they can receive therapy and explore holistic treatment options. There has been little assessment on the safety of detoxing from MDMA dependence in a home environment. Although withdrawal is unlikely to trigger life-threatening symptoms, it can be a highly-distressing process. This site is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Our experienced and licensed Northridge Addiction Treatment Center staff is prepared to help you overcome addiction and start on a path to lifelong recovery. When you begin to feel the effects of ecstasy like changes to the way you see the world around you, a familiar environment can provide you with a sense of security to know where you are. People with heart problems can be at risk when using ecstasy and especially when taken in high doses. For street use, ecstasy is made illegally in labs with many ingredients, including isosafrole, amphetamine, and caffeine. Note that if a drug is sold as “ecstasy,” it still may not have any MDMA at all.

ecstasy detox

MDMA is a synthesized compound that begins with the precursor safrole—an oily liquid extracted from the sassafras tree’s bark or fruit, which is native to North America and Asia. Through a number of different chemical formulations, safrole can be synthesized into MDMA. The final product delivers a euphoric high that usually kicks in within 45 minutes and lasts 3-6 hours. Ecstasy/MDMA acts as both a stimulant and hallucinogen, producing an energizing effect, distortions in time and perception, and enhanced enjoyment of tactile experiences. Adolescents and young adults use it to reduce inhibitions and to promote feeling of euphoria (great happiness, excitement, «high»), feelings of closeness, empathy, and sexuality. Ecstasy can also produce psychedelic effects, similar to the hallucinogens mescaline and LSD.

ecstasy detox

For example, a tablet might have the word “sky” written on it, relating to the type of “high” you will experience. Our mission is to lay the foundation for anyone who enters our community to recover, address underlying issues and get on track to achieve a better life than they had ever dreamed possible. Detoxing from ecstasy is best done safely under medical supervision where clinicians can keep you safe and comfortable. PHP also involves counseling and group therapy as well as specialized services that focus on skill-building, relapse prevention, and employment assistance.

Research suggests MDMA is potentially addictive, although more research is needed. Some people who use MDMA do report symptoms of an MDMA-related substance use disorder. These symptoms include continued use despite negative side effects, tolerance—which is needing to take increasingly larger amounts of something for the same effects—withdrawal side effects, and craving.

While ecstasy is less dangerous to detox from than many drugs, it is not recommended that you do it alone. Individuals who experience intense anxiety and depression during detox are at risk of psychological complications. Ecstasy addiction is more psychological than physical, but withdrawal can still occur. However, the symptoms are milder compared with other drugs like meth, cocaine, and some prescription drugs. Lykos applied for approval of MDMA-assisted therapy, not just the compound itself.


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